Wildcat Safety Guide: 5 Things to Know
Wildcats Take Care: Know what resources are available and what to do in the event of an emergency.
The Wildcat Safety Guide is available on the public safety website, safety.arizona.com. You can bookmark the guide online, or print the PDF. Make reviewing the safety guide part of your back-to-campus checklist.
“It's important that people coming onto campus know what resources are available and what to do in the event of an emergency,” said Chief Safety Officer Steve Patterson. "Being proactive about safety is crucial, and reviewing resources like your Wildcat Safety Guide can make a significant difference in your experience on campus.”
Here are highlights from the Wildcat Safety Guide to get you started. Each numbered section links out to more detailed information. Remember, Wildcats take care of each other!
2. Helpful Phone Numbers and Websites
The Safety Guide includes a list of essential phone numbers and websites such as the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, the Statewide Crisis Hotline, mental health support numbers for students, and more.