Safety Survey

University Safety Initiative

University Safety Survey

About the Survey

The Office of Public Safety and University Initiatives & Policy collaborated in spring 2024 to administer a Safety Survey, aimed at gaining insights into the experiences of students, faculty, staff and designated campus colleagues regarding campus safety and security. Survey findings will inform institutional efforts focused on enhancing campus safety and security.

The survey invited participants to address a wide range of topics including:

  • Sense of safety on campus.
  • Thoughts about future safety initiatives.
  • View of and preferences for receiving safety-related communications.

Participation in the survey was completely confidential and results will only be reported in aggregate.

The survey closed on April 15, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Survey Goals

  1. Identify campus safety strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Better understand the community’s feeling of physical safety and awareness levels.
  3. Use results to make data-informed decisions that will continually improve campus safety.
  4. Collect longitudinal data through regular administration of the survey that will allow the University to identify trends and track progress over time.

Survey Findings

The summary results will be shared with the University community.

Some initial findings will be shared near the end of the spring 2024 semester, followed by summary reports in the fall.


Survey results will be used to gain a deeper understanding of the University community’s feeling of physical safety and awareness levels. In particular, data-informed insights will guide institutional initiatives aimed at improving safety. In addition to sharing a summary report of institution-wide data, the Office of Public Safety may create more detailed reports to better understand specific issues and experiences. All reports will be in the aggregate, using de-identified data.

The survey contains many general safety topics that are applicable to any University of Arizona location. It also contains specific questions related to Main Campus and Health Sciences campus. In future years, the survey may also include more specific questions for additional locations such as Phoenix Bioscience Core. Respondents are welcome to add specific concerns/recommendations in the open-ended response field at the end of the survey.

Yes, responses to the survey will remain confidential. Individual responses will not be available to anyone other than the data analyst administering the survey. For analysis purposes, institutional data (e.g., college or division, demographics) will be included but all individually identifiable information will be excluded from the dataset. De-identified data, in the form of aggregate reports, will be shared with the University community, including senior leadership, in order to strengthen campus safety. Results for subgroups of respondents smaller than 10 people will not be reported in order to maintain confidentiality.

All personally identifiable information will be stored in secure systems and will only be used in ways that adhere to the University’s stringent privacy and security policies. Visit the University’s Privacy website to learn more.

Some initial findings will be shared near the end of the spring 2024 semester, followed by summary reports in the fall.

The University Safety Survey will be sent to all University of Arizona students, faculty, staff and designated campus colleagues. To take the survey, you will need to log in using your NetID to verify that you are a University of Arizona student, employee or designated campus colleague. 

The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, though you can take a break and return to the survey at any time before the deadline (April 15, 2024 at 5 p.m.).

No. Participation in the safety survey is voluntary. Your participation is an opportunity to share your experiences. Your perspectives and opinions matter to us.

All survey questions are optional. However, we encourage respondents to answer as many questions as possible so that we can better understand your experiences.

Questions can be directed to the Office of Public Safety at