Safety Resources for Instructors
Your leadership is crucial to building a safe & supportive community. Here's how you can help:
- Prepare yourself with knowledge of building emergency plans, building exits, and general emergency procedures.
- Announce safety information and procedures to your students during the first week of classes.
- Complete the Active Shooter Preparedness training in Edge Learning.
First-Week Announcement to Students
Please alert your students to the options available in an emergency. We’ve provided an example of what you could say as a guide.
The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff. Part of this mission includes educating the campus community on how to respond in an emergency. Emergencies can happen anywhere at any time so it’s important that we take a minute to prepare for a situation in which our safety could depend on our ability to react quickly.
In an emergency, UAlert will send important text and email messages. These messages will also scroll across classroom message boards.
Take a moment to learn the different ways to leave this building so if there is an emergency or a fire alarm, you’ll know how to get out and you’ll be able to help others get out.
In addition, we encourage you to watch the 12-minute video, run, hide, fight active shooter preparedness training which can be found on, along with other safety information and training resources.
Quick Links
Building Emergency Plans
Review emergency plans for specific buildings.
Campus Emergency Procedures
Guidance for how to prepare for, react to, and recover from critical incidents.
Office of Public Safety
Everyone plays an important and active role in our centralized vision for University safety.
Safety Preparedness Training: Active Shooter
This training is provided for all students and employees in Edge Learning. This training provides information about how to respond to an active shooter threat on the University of Arizona campus and is based on the FBI advice, “Run, Hide, Fight.”
Training is offered in two formats: a 12-minute video and, for those who do not wish to view the video, a read-through text option.
Dean of Students CARE Report
If you are concerned about a student who is struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting worrisome or other concerning behavior, learn about Student Assistance and the Dean of Students Office. You can also fill out a CARE report by clicking the Concerned about a Student button.